The Police Bill has now completed its process in the House of Lords, with new amendments added by the government. It will return to the Commons in January 2022.
Activists supporting the Sheffield couriers’ strike have sent us this model motion
The opening of Derwentside IRC is the epitome of an inhumane Tory government who have assumed Nigel Farage’s clothes and lost their moral compass.
The NEC plans to nail down most parliamentary candidacies quickly, and way in advance.
What’s happened to Momentum groups?
The promise of the winning slate in the July 2020 Momentum NCG election to “rebuild from the ground up” needs to be revisited.
Labour Left Internationalists has today, 4 December, sent the letter below to the Momentum NCG.
Circulated by the Labour Campaign for Council Housing
Report from Labour Left Internationalists Zoom meeting about the housing emergency, 20 November 2021
The Housing Emergency: make Labour act! Saturday 20 November 17:00-18:30. Zoomlink or or
COP26 People’s Summit meeting 8 Nov. Housing Emergency meeting 20 Nov. Both on Zoom.