The last two Labour Party conferences, in 2019 and 2021, passed policy for public ownership of energy (in motions calling for a “Socialist Green New Deal”).
This year a motion specifically on public ownership of energy is going to conference. It has already been passed by Eastleigh Constituency Labour Party in Hampshire, and is being proposed to a number of others. See the model motion here. Considering proposing a version of it in your Labour Party.
Christian Brookes from Eastleigh CLP explained:
“The cost of living crisis is driving millions of working families into poverty and energy companies are raking in profits from the British people’s hiked energy bills. Meanwhile, our planet is facing a 1.5°C rise in temperatures compared to pre-industrial levels, while Britain experiences it’s first ever 40°C temperature.
“Our CLP strongly supported this motion to control these companies by putting energy back into public ownership. At our meeting members passionately expressed their disgust at energy companies’ greed and ignorance of people’s issues; the motion was passed with a huge majority.”
This initiative comes at a crucial time, immediately after the heatwave reminded us yet again of the urgency of serious action to tackle climate change – and as energy companies’ profits soar and fuel bills are set to leap again. Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves has just violated conference policy by rejecting public ownership of energy (and water, and even the railways…) On the other hand the TUC has just come out for public ownership, reflecting the hard work activists have done pushing this issue over several years.
We must insist the Labour leadership respects and implements party conference policy, and fights for serious policies to defend the living standards and interests of, and shift wealth and power towards, the working class. That must include public ownership of the energy sector.
You can help build the fight:
• Get your CLP to send the motion to conference (deadline for submission, Thursday 15 September, 5pm).
• Mandate your delegates to vote in favour at conference.
• Whether or not it’s your CLP’s motion to conference, pass a motion in favour of public ownership modelled on this one.
Get in touch to let us know if you’ve passed the motion, or to get help, or to get a speaker on these issues: team@momentuminternationalists.org