
Interview with Abbie Clark

Abbie Clark is Secretary of Stevenage CLP and a candidate for the Momentum national coordinating group on the Forward Momentum slate, elected as part of Momentum Internationalists. She recently did an interview with The Clarion, and we republish it here. With Josh Lovell, I founded our Stevenage Momentum group at the end of 2015. A lot of […]


In the crises we face, fighting to take over the banks is vital

By Mohan Sen “Regulation failed to stop banks collapsing and bringing down the economy. More regulation won’t work now. It’s expensive, bureaucratic and ineffective. Private ownership means profit comes before everything else. That will continue as long as banks are under private ownership. “The public has no control over the banks’ decision-making, even in banks […]


4 Steps Forward for the Climate Struggle

By Abel Harvie-Clark In the context of the pandemic and economic collapse, a socialist response must have a focus on climate justice. As urgently as we need a vaccine for Covid-19, we need a serious reorganisation of production to rapidly decarbonise society, and we need an organised left to fight bottom up for this socialist […]


Why Solidarity Between Generations Matters

By Julie Ward I am proud to stand on a platform with extraordinary motivated and articulate young people. Too often people of my generation dismiss the youth voice, forgetting that we were all young once with important views, relevant ideas and a fresh perspective that can cut through the layers of waffle and bluster that […]


Democracy in Labour: what do we want?

The left, including Momentum, has not done very well in fighting to democratise the Labour Party. Some of that has been a matter of being defeated. A lot of it has been a matter of not trying very hard. The left missed many opportunities on this, as did the Corbyn leadership. With a new leadership […]


Social care: in dire need of public ownership

By Kas Witana “Read the website of any of the big care companies and you could be forgiven for thinking that their mission was one of pure altruism. In fact, they are bringing in profits on the back of their undervalued workforce and government subsidies. Many do not recognise trade unions. The entire sector is […]


Petition: full pay for TFL cleaners!

• We reproduce the text of an important petition by the Justice for Cleaners campaign to Sadiq Khan, the Labour Mayor of London. Please sign it and share it! Click here to sign the Justice for Cleaners petition ABM, the giant company that cleans the Underground and Transport for London’s offices, has announced plans to furlough […]


Democratise Momentum… and then what?

By Simon Hannah Have people been watching the news lately? I’m just asking because it seems like people haven’t been as no one seems to be really talking about the massive economic crisis that is barrel rolling towards us with increasing… er… momentum. So far the discussions on the Labour left are not only dull […]


Labour Councils and cuts: what should Momentum do?

By Josh Lovell Over the past five years, many new, left-wing Labour Councillors have been elected into local government. I count myself as one of these who ‘rode the wave of Corbynism’ into local government alongside the resurgence of anti-austerity politics forming part of the new political mainstream. Nationally the Labour Party led its 2017 […]


Stop the rush to No-Deal

• If you agree with this article, please add your name to this call for Labour to campaign on this As part of the internationalist response to the Covid-19 crisis we advocate, Momentum Internationalists is calling for a “lengthy extension of the Brexit transition period”. What does that mean? In the best case scenario, where […]