
Suggested wording for motions against Rwanda deportations

Activists may wish to draw on this wording for motions against the Tories’ 2022 Rwanda scheme

Solidarity with refugees, no to Rwanda deportations


1. The 13 April announcement by the government of yet more anti-migrant measures including a deal to remove asylum-seekers from the UK to Rwanda, military operations in the English Channel against refugee boats, and the establishment of a new detention centre to imprison refugees in the UK.

2. That following threats of obstruction by civil service unions and PCS support for a legal challenge, the government has abandoned its plans for life-threatening pushbacks targeting boats at sea.


1. That the government can be made to retreat further by a concerted labour movement campaign.

2. That refugees should be welcomed, and the anti-migrant legislation introduced over many decades rolled back.

3. That the continued drive against refugees shows that the government’s rhetoric around those fleeing Ukraine is empty.


1. To advertise demonstrations against the government’s anti-refugee and anti-migrant plans and seek to mobilise members.

2. To issue a statement on these issues.

3. To seek to make links with unions and human rights defenders in Rwanda to resist the offshoring plan, and call on our national union to do likewise.

4. To call on the Labour Party to commit to repealing the Nationality and Borders Bill, to reversing decades of anti-migrant legislation, and to legislate for safe and legal routes for all asylum seekers; end immigration raids, detention and deportation; expand unconditional rights to family reunion; grant asylum seekers day-one rights to work, social security and public services..

5. To organise a public meeting to discuss how workers in our sector can help defy and push back anti-migrant and anti-refugee legislation, and to invite a speaker from the Labour Campaign for Free Movement.

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