pressure on the government and reanimate sectoral campaigns which have so far been low energy despite real term pay cuts. Rank-and-file militants across all public sector unions will be agitating for that approach.
This CLP opposes the policy at the NEC to proscribe Socialist Appeal, Labour Against the Witchhunt, Labour in Exile, and Resist. Antisemitism remains a serious problem in the Labour party and across the left. The issue is best dealt with through political education and free debate. Some cases may require disciplinary action: that should be […]
Standing Together UK
UK solidarity campaign in support of Israel’s Jewish-Arab grassroots movement for peace, equality and social justice.
London Labour Party conference passed this motion from the Communication Workers’ Union. Below is the speech for the motion given by the CWU’s Maria Exall. Particularly given the Labour right took control of the London Labour board, it will take a fight for this and other left-wing demands to be acknowledged, yet alone campaigned for. […]
The Labour Party leadership have drafted the “skeleton” of a new complaints procedure and indicated that they want rule changes at the conference in September.
Since the military coup that took place in Myanmar in February of this year, the workers’ movement in that country has been leading a fight for democracy.
Preview of Labour party conference 2021
It looks like the government’s pay “award” for NHS workers will be 3%. Maybe only 1.5% will be a basic ongoing increase, and the other 1.5% a one-off payment.
Socialists should support workers in Venezuela, not the Maduro government.
Dan Davison calls for the embargo to be lifted and the repression of the Cuban state to end.