As a result of the absurd threat to expel Bakers’ Union President Ian Hodson from the party, the union is holding a recall conference, with the implication that it could disaffiliate.
Category: Uncategorised
Support Cllr Pamela Fitzpatrick
Labour Party threatening her with ‘auto-exclusion’. Below is the response that Pamela posted on Facebook. Please support her and ask others to.
Momentum’s 27 August video for the XR fortnight of action fell short of Momentum’s own voted-through policy
Afghan refugees – model motion
Afghan refugees – model motion
Please put or adapt this for your Constituency Labour Party, union branch, or other organisation.
Communist Party (CCP) has now opened up an attack on the very existence of independent trade unions in Hong Kong.
Many Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs) are yet to decide their motions to Labour Party conference (25-29 September in Brighton) at meetings in August or more likely in early September. Many will have decided in July, and rule-change proposals were in by 11 June.
PR yes, “Progressive alliance”, no
In the run-up to Labour Party conference on 25-29 September, one area where the left (and the Labour right, too) remains split is on the question of Proportional Representation.
To tame Covid, combat inequality
Over the longer term, several studies suggest that the biggest factor reducing Covid toll so far has been lower income inequality.
All test centre workers should get full pay if they have to self isolate.