
The right to strike

Motion passed by Bloomsbury & King’s Cross LP branch (Holborn & St. Pancras CLP) – not for LP conference 2024, but for your information

Motion passed by Bloomsbury & King’s Cross LP branch (Holborn & St. Pancras CLP) – not for LP conference 2024, but for your information

This branch notes: 

1) The government’s commitment government’s commitment to repeal the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023 

2) Reports that the government also plans to repeal the Trade Union Act 2016. 

3) The myriad other laws restricting strikes, including prohibition of action in solidarity with other workers. 

This branch further notes: 

1) Our CLP’s January 2024 resolution to “oppose the Minimum Service Levels Act and other anti-trade union legislation.” 

2) The CWU Greater London Combined (Telecoms) branch’s charter, calling for renewed campaigning to expand workers’ and union rights. 

3) The call for the full repeal of anti-strike laws, and their replacement with positive rights, is the policy of the majority of the labour movement, including the TUC and all Labour-affiliated unions. 

4) The upcoming TUC Congress will discuss submissions from the FBU and Usdaw reaffirming support for the repeal of all anti-union laws. 

This branch believes: 

1) The right to strike is a fundamental civil liberty. 

This branch resolves:

1) To call on the government to firmly commit to repealing the Trade Union Act 2016, and to go further by repealing other anti-strike legislation, such as the Employment Act 1980, which prohibits solidarity action.

2) To write to relevant reps on the NEC and NPF to express the view of the local party. 

3) To make a submission to the next NPF process in line with this policy. 

4) To invite a speaker from CWU Greater London Combined branch to address a future meeting about their branch’s charter.

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