The Migrant and Refugee Rights text included here has been passed by Southampton Test CLP.
The text is identical with the template motion circulated by Labour Campaign for Free Movement and suggested by LCFM to Momentum, except that the last line of the LCFM version, asserting free movement in general, has been omitted. LCFM is anxious to find CLPs which will put the full version, and so have a chance to get that last line into the composite (if the subject wins through in the Priorities Ballot at Labour Party conference).
Free School Meals
Universal Free School Meals for primary school children
Social care
Publicly owned and controlled NCS
£15 min wage for care workers
Free social care to all who need it.
Public Power
Democratic public ownership of the whole energy system
National Energy Agency to set standards and targets; own industries of national importance (e.g., oil and gas, offshore wind, nuclear)
Capitalising GBE to completely supplant the private energy sector
4 Day Week
Reduce working week from 48 to 32 hrs
Workers right to request 4 day week with no loss of pay
£100m fund to support transition for companies
Addressing the Crisis in Education
Increase state education spending from 3.9% of GDP to 6% over a lifetime of a Labour government, returning pay to 2010 levels
Replace OFSTED with a peer review process and local authority safeguarding checks
Close down Institute of Teaching, handing back teacher education to universities
Appoint a panel of educationists, including education unions, to devise a national curriculum and examination framework which restores the arts, leaves room for local plus school-based initiatives and replaces GCSE, vocational qualifications and A level with a baccalaureate style qualification.
Restore the EMA.
Triple lock on pensions for the whole of the next Parliament
Explore options for earlier retirement
Protect defined benefit pensions in the public sector
Oppose increase in retirement age
Right to Food
Right to Food Law
FSM for primary and secondary
A Sure Start for All Children
Conditional direct funding – for early years settings
Expansion of Sure Start
Take over any chains that collapse
End 2 child cap to UC
Increase child benefit
Social Security
Commit to the replacement of Universal Credit with a more humane system;
Increase the basic level of Universal Credit payments to at least 80% of the national living wage;
Examine options for further reducing the taper rate to
ensure work pays;
End degrading benefits sanctions and in-work
Ending other punitive features of Universal Credit including
the 5 week wait to receive payments and the 2 child limit.
West Papua
Support UN Resolution protecting the rights of West Papuans.
Climate Change
Ensure climate investment goes to public companies
Labour Campaign for Council Housing Model motion
Fund 150,000 social rent homes a year, including at least
100,000 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) council homes
with secure tenancies;
End “affordable rent” and fixed term tenancies;
Fund the retrofitting of all council housing;
Invest in Direct Labour Organisations to create well paid,
unionised jobs and apprenticeships to deliver this;
Abolish right to buy;
Review council housing debt to address the
under-funding of HRAs;
Reintroduce rent controls;
Compulsory registration and regulation of private rental
homes, with high energy efficiency and quality standards;
License landlords and agents, and increase funding for
councils to regulate the sector;
Empower councils to restrict, license and tax holiday
Properly regulate temporary and supported
The Tory National Health Service Crisis
Re-nationalise the NHS
Increase public investment in NHS
Protect minority groups disproportionately harmed by funding cuts (e.g. trans people, ethnic minorities)
Equitable Decriminalisation of Cannabis
Decriminalisation of cannabis
Expunging criminal records for cannabis production, retail
or possession
Tax revenues to go to reparative work in communities
affected by prohibition
Support Migrants’ and Refugees’ rights
close all detention centres; end all immigration raids,
detention, and deportations, including racist “double
repeal the Nationality and Borders Act, Illegal Migration Bill
and all anti-migrant legislation;
guarantee safe, legal routes for asylum seekers, day-one
rights to work, education and social security, and expand
family reunion rights;
New Deal for Working People
New Deal for Working People in 100 days
£15 min wage
Public sector pay increases in line with inflation
Repeal all anti union and anti-strike laws
Reduce Inequality:
Tax Wealth
Progressive and redistributive wealth tax policy
International Development
Restore 0.7% aid commitment and DFID
Aid support for public services, not private profit
Cancel Global South debt
Higher Education
Abolish tuition fees
Restore EMAs
Violence Against Women and Girls
Increase funding for refuges for survivors
Trans-inclusive refuges
Requiring the Crown Prosecution Service and courts to
enforce restraining orders
Trans Rights
Ensure labour movement is a trans-inclusive space
Amend the Gender Recognition Act in Government to
introduce self declaration
Improve access for trans people to NHS transition-related
Public ownership of water
Democratic rights
Combat the Tory Cost of Living Crisis
Rent controls
Freeze on travel costs
Abolish the monarchy
Conference resolves to abolish monarchy
Make Royal Family subject to taxation, Royal Prerogative
responsive to Parliament.