A comrade has sent us this model motion they are putting forward in their Labour Party. Please consider using or adapting for your Labour Party ward or CLP (or union branch). To let us know you have, or for help, email team@momentuminternationalists.org
We condemn Keir Starmer’s order not to attend picket lines and his sacking of Sam Tarry as one of the party’s transport spokespeople after he joined an RMT / TSSA picket line on 27 July. The whole party should be rallying round the rail workers and other workers in struggle: supporting demands for pay rises at least matching inflation and to defend and improve conditions and jobs, and supporting strikes – not hiding away from them and punishing people for supporting them. We call on all Labour MPs [including ours] to support the striking unions in rail and other industries, and join their picket lines. We will send and publish a message to the rail unions supporting their struggles and their strikes.